Travel Info

Carefully review all the important things listed below to make your trip as pleasant as possible.

The dress code on the Croatian islands is more relaxed than on the mainland.

We provide all necessary paddling and safety equipment.

Our kayaks are designed for longer expeditions to carry a large amount of gear, but they do have their limitations. Storage space is limited, and since we carry a lot of food and supplies, you should take as few personal items as possible. A 20-liter bag should fit all personal items.

“Tipping” is a common thing in Croatia. If you feel you have received excellent service, feel free to tip. Croatians are very generous when it comes to tipping. Prices in stores are fixed, and bartering is not a tradition in Croatia.

We provide meals during the trip and pay for meals in restaurants, but guests pay for their own drinks.

Clothing and Equipment

  • pair of shorts
  • lightweight pants
  • two T-shirts
  • Long sleeve shirt for sun protection while paddling (preferably white colour)
  • sweater, jacket, socks during colder months – early May, late September…
  • pair of underwear
  • sandals
  • running shoes or lightweight hiking boots
  • headlamp
  • sunglasses (polarized) 
  • suncream
  • insect repellent
  • small towel
  • wide-brimmed hat
  • small dry bag or waterproof case for digital devices
  • minimal personal toiletries
  • lightweight and compact sleeping bag with dry-bag
  • medications if you use any

Optional Items

  • gloves
  • cards/games, books or magazines
  • binoculars
  • camera
  • snorkeling gear

Food and Drinks

The quality of tap water in Croatia is at a high level. Since there is no industry on the coast, there is no major pollution and the sea is crystal clear and clean. We recommend that you carry a 1.5-liter water bottle during the tour, and 7-liter bottles are used to fill personal bottles.

Food in restaurants and bars is safe, Croatia has very high hygiene standards and restaurants are inspected regularly. In the first day or two of our excursions we use fresh meat, vegetables and other ingredients, but after several days we have to resort to canned food or try to get supplies, as the supplies in the warm kayaks have a very short expiration date (summer temperatures in Croatia are usually above 30 degrees Celsius).


The Croatian currency is Euro since 2023.

ATM’s are readily available in all resorts, towns and cities in Croatia, in banks, supermarkets and many other establishments. Always have cash on hand since not every expense is included in the trip price (entrance fees to museums, cinemas or National Parks, drinks in restaurants and bars, medical services etc.)